marți, 4 martie 2008

Codul deontologic al consultantului politic

Aseara in Club A, mare manifestare mare de dezbatere pe marginea statutului consultantului politic in Romania si a viitorului cod deontologic al consultantului. Actiunea a stat sub patronajul Asociatiei Specialistilor in Comunicare Politica, a carui membra sunt (sa ma laud si eu putin!!!). Discutia a fost destul de interesanta si nu ne vom opri aici.
Dar iata mai jos codul deontologic al consultantului politic in SUA......Cum ar arata cel romanesc ?
As a member of the American Association of Political Consultants, I believe there are certain standards of practice which I must maintain.
I, therefore, pledge to adhere to the following Code of Professional Ethics:
I will not indulge in any activity which would corrupt or degrade the practice of political consulting.
I will treat my colleagues and clients with respect and never intentionally injure their professional or personal reputations.
I will respect the confidence of my clients and not reveal confidential or privileged information obtained during our professional relationship.
I will use no appeal to voters which is based on racism, sexism, religious intolerance or any form of unlawful discrimination and will condemn those who use such practices.
In turn, I will work for equal voting rights and privileges for all citizens.
I will refrain from false or misleading attacks on an opponent or member of his or her family and will do everything in my power to prevent others from using such tactics.
I will document accurately and fully any criticism of an opponent or his or her record.
I will be honest in my relationship with the news media and candidly answer questions when I have the authority to do so.
I will use any funds I receive from my clients, or on behalf of my clients, only for those purposes invoiced in writing.
I will not support any individual or organization which resorts to practices forbidden by this code.

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